Friday, September 26, 2008

He who would cross the Oval Office
Must answer me
These questions three
Ere the other side he see.
Three questions I would ask the candidates:
1. What is your view on the Russia-Georgia conflict? Are you comfortable working with Russia's Vladimir Putin?
2. Are you willing to start a dialogue with Iran to ease the strain on US-Iranian relations?
3. What are you prepared to do to stop jobs from being outsourced to all places foreign?

Friday, September 19, 2008

For Economics
We looked at the command economy. I gave you some Marx to contend with.
For blogging today, discuss some of the ways in which Marx was right. Think about ways in which Marx could be changed to be a more successful system.
Then go to you google reader and find another article that related to command economics. Comment on the way in which the article is related.
Today for government, I want you to go to this site and read this article.
What do you think? Is there anything wrong? Does this jive with McCain's campaign strength?
Now go to you google reader to read and comment on one article that is somehow related to either the current government or the upcoming election. Comment on the reason that you chose that article.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Initial post.