Friday, September 19, 2008

For Economics
We looked at the command economy. I gave you some Marx to contend with.
For blogging today, discuss some of the ways in which Marx was right. Think about ways in which Marx could be changed to be a more successful system.
Then go to you google reader and find another article that related to command economics. Comment on the way in which the article is related.


Baker said...

Marxism is paper perfect, and is a sure fire theory, if everyone does what they need to do. It is once the people realize that nobody's input is the same that marxism would collapse. Although it has never been proven to be self destructive, it has a path seeming to be self destructive.

Maria <33 said...

I agree with his free education for all children in public schools goal and how bourgeoisie has resolved personal worth into exchange value. I also agree with his goal on equal liability of all to labor. Marx could have a more successful system by taking communisms disadvantages and fixing them for the people and the nation.

strikeout324 said...

Marx goals that equal liabilty to all labor and free education for all children and and a centralization of communications could all be very useful to an economy but on the other hand the aboliton of property and gradual abolition of the distinction of town and country could be very harmful to agricultre and personal worth

ACKERMAN #7 said...

marx is rite because i agree with his comment that "communism is alredy acknowledged by all european powers to be its self a power" in other words one power and way of liveing is twice as controlled than anyother power system and its also more aftive i also belive in communism manifesto wich is a party itself this way of system is freeer and more orginesed and thats all i know is that i would rather have a comm. party than a goverment....!

Katy said...

I think that marx had a good idea in his mind, but i do not think that it was possible to reach his ideal society. he said that the working class would revolt and his idea was that everyone would eventually be equal. this type of society really cannot exist because there are no seperate classes if everyone is equal. There may be ideas associated with marxism that could help our economy. i agree with his goal of free education for all children but, i dont think that a marxist society would work out.

Cobain14 said...

I Agree with Joey

Sami said...

I think that Marx was right in many ways. I agree with him when he says that personal worth has been exchaged for the value of your work. I feel that people should not be judged by their personal value but by their personal worth. I aslo agree on his goal that their should be free education for all children in public schools. I feel that this is a very important goal that allows everyone to get a good education.

Holden said...

I think Marxism could be very possible in a "perfect" society. If there was no corruption, hate, greed, or envy, Marx's ideas could be more possible, but because the human race espeacially the ones who take power are fueled by these things it doesn't work in the long run. Even if the working class was to start a revolution, someone would come into power and head the revolution because thats just how humans are and the one who takes power would begin to be corrupted.
As Joey Baker said, it looks good on paper, but when it is aplied to human nature, i think in the end it is bound to fail.

keren34 said...

Marxism has good ideas, but when you factor in human nature, it fails. If everyone was willing to play their part and work for the good of the whole, it would be great. The world isn't perfect, and neither are people, so it collapses. One person who has power lets it go to their head, and then it just becomes a dictatorship in which one person bullies everyone else. In this system, everyone would have to consent to uniformity, and the truth is, nobody likes being the same as everyone else. We all have different talents, and we want to pursue them. His ideas for free education are good, and I think he had a good idea with this government, but he simply did not factor in human nature and corruption, and the fact that humans enjoy individuality.

baustin1 said...

I completely agree with his theory, it it could work i would be all for it... the problem is that humans want power, and it won't be long before someone abuses his power and the whole system crumbles... but hey thats just my opinion... his opinion is good but unrealistic...good stuff!

Ashley said...

I agree with Marxism when it comes to free education for children in public schools. Although i don't think his theory is realistic. Not everyone would agree with his ideas. We all have our opinions and there's no way we could all agree on one thing. It might work for a while, but eventually it would fail.

MattyBower said...

The communist manifesto is something that would work with a perfect world, but what we live in is far from that. I believe that we can take ideas from it and use them today, but in entirety Marxism wouldn't work. People are corrupt and would corrupt Marxism if it was put in place. Like Baker and Holden said, it looks good on paper, but is impractical in the real world.

Bradford said...
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kris said...

Free education for all children in public schools, was a good idea. It affects us today because we have free public education, so every child gets a good education no matter what there parents income is.

AllisonR said...

I think that Marxism seems to be a good idea but I'm not sure it's possible. It seems to be based on a perfect world where there is no corruption...which in fact doesn't exist. I just feel that no matter what type of government there is there will be some good points and some bad points in it. Not that this is a bad idea, but it doesn't seem to be any more special then any other government. It will be corrupted in time...just like all the others.

Chelsea said...

I think that marxism is a good idea in theory, especially the free education idea, but more than likely not possible. I really liked his idea of equality but again, it's probably not possible. You can't have a functioning society if everyone is equal.

amber said...

In theory marxism is a good thing. I don't think it would ever work because there is no way that people would come together and do their shares. Some will so less and some will do more. Marx has some good ideas that would change the world for the good but he also has some ideas that aren't very appealing. Equality is a beautiful thing but i dont think reaching it fully is very possible.

Anonymous said...

I believe mark was right in some ways. One of the ways I Think Marx is right is the idea of free education for all children in public schools. I like this policy because since I am in high school I would not like to pay for my education. Another policy that Marx created that I like is abolition of all right of inheritance. I like this policy because I don't believe the rich who gain inheritance should keep all of it, and that they should give most of it to the poor. One way I think Marx policy could be changed to be a more successful system is removing the abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to the public. Instead of that policy I would think equal opportunity for the public to rent property on land and pay to the owner on agreed payment is a better alternative.

ncronk said...

although this system of government should work in theory and it looks good on paper it will always fail in reality. How many countries have tried to make this form of government work and failed. What makes anyone think it will start to work now? Communsm assumes that all men want to be equal which is not true. There will always be people that want more power and money than the masses.

Bradford said...

I feel like anything I can say would just be repititous.

grizzlewood said...
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grizzlewood said...

I liked most of his ideas..but i would have to agree with whoever peacock feather is, that whatever type of economy is chosen there are always going to be faulty parts to it.

hev said...

I agree with Marx about the free education for children, because school is more important now then back then by the fact that people in different feilds are going to need more and more educated people.

emachamer said...

marxism sounds like a good idea but not all good ideas work out for everybody. other people out there will always think differently and thing their ideas are better.

Fat~Ass said...

marism is good long enough as every puts into the right efort ! but every one has to perticatate / and agree for it to work corectly ! other wise not done bc it hasnt been used it would self desruct ! FALE ! !! ! ! ! !!

Corrie said...

i agree with his free education for children in public schools. With our economy the way it is today there are many families out there who can not afford even public schools and with this those children could finally get the education they deserve!!

Eagles GK 25 said...

I do not agree with all of Marxism. Some of it, yes. Other parts, no. I agree with his idea of free education for all children in public schools. I agree with it because its an example of his attempt at making everybody equal. However, I do not agree with the fact that everybody would end up being equal. Marxis' ideal society, I believe was not possible to reach.

jamie said...

I think marx has good ideas. I agree with his free education for all children and equal liability labor goal. Im not sure its possible though. Not all people are willing to do there part however. I know that people like power and it wont take long for the whole thing to just be a big dictatorship. And I Know most people like there indiviulaity and Im thinking that alot of people are not going to like the uniformity idea. Nobody likes to be the same as everyone else.

soccerbling said...

Free education would help our state, with the bills these days that people have to pay is bull-shit. Its not like we can pull money out of are ass. I like what maria said about his equal liability idea that would also help alot. But no one wants to go through with it cause there scared.

Ashley said...

Marxism had a lot of good ideas. When you look at human rights though.. its not so good.. right now everyone has the right to not work and yeah it effects people but not as much as it would under Marxism; under Marxism if one person doesn't work in public schools or doesn't work hard enough everyone pays for it. Free education for children is one thing I can agree with. But yeah when you factor in people today.. it would never work out..